Monday, April 21, 2014

5 taktik hasilkan Lead

Top 5 lead generation tactics used by businesses

Marketing Sherpa conducted a survey and published the results in the form of a chart. The results were quite surprising. In this post I will share the top 5 lead generation tactics as reported in the original survey.
 As you can see the 5 most important b2b sales tactics are Email marketing, Search Engine optimization(SEO), Social Media, Website optimization management or design and Content Marketing . 
Now let's discuss each of these tactics in detail:
Email Marketing: Despite all the hype about death of email, the fact is that email is now also the most trusted form of lead generation and it is one tactic which will remain the most important in the near future. As you can see it's the top tactic used by businesses in order to generate lead with almost 81% of marketers using it.
SEO: Second most widely used tactic is search engine optimization.75% marketers use seo to generate leads. I'd like to add that most people mistake seo as optimizing your website  for Google. This can't be farther from truth . Although Google is the king of search but Bing has put up a strong show and have gained a good amount of marketing share in last few years. So try to optimize your website for other search engines also.
Social Media: Now as it turns out social media marketing is being used by 72% of marketers. Managers have complained that it's quite difficult to measure ROI of social media marketing. And they have genuine concerns because until you convert likes, shares and retweets into sales or increase engagement social media will remain a controversial tactic. But  social media marketing has become an essential part of a marketing plan as your audinece is already on one or another social media network.  So if you want to engage your audeince, get feedback from your consumers, or simply want to know what your costumers think about your product/service you can't ignore social media marketing.
Website Optimization mangement or design:Having a good design is in itself a big plus. Many times just small changes in appearance or design can significantly boost the number of leads you are generating from your website.
Content Marketing:Content Marketing is used by almost 54% of businesses . I strongly believe that in future more businesses will start using content marketing as a lead generation tactic. Content generation is rising with the rise of smartphones, tablets, increasing internet penetration and bandwidth. Already brands have started realizing the importance of content creation and with passing time we will see more and more businesses utilizing this tactic
Conclusion: All the above mentioned tactics are important from a business point of view but they are most effective when used with other tactics. Email marketing will bring poor results if you don't have interesting content.


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